Pre and Post Natal Therapy and Treatment | Peoria IL

Pessary Services


You don't have to suffer with prolapse symptoms


We are now offering pessary services! Pessaries are prosthetic devices that are placed inside the vagina to support the internal organs. They come in various shapes and sizes depending on the support needed for each patient. They help lift organs back toward their original position after pelvic organ prolapse. They can also help control symptoms associated with prolapse.

For more information about pessaries and how they work, check out our blog

pediatric pelvic floor therapy Peoria Il
what to wear to pelvic floor therapy

Considering a pessary?

 Find out if a pessary is right for you after a full PT evaluation. Book your appointment here or call/text 309-431-1357

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Pelvic Floor Specialist | Physiotherapy | Physical Therapy | Peoria Illinois